July 23, 2019 Move out west make sense, “BLM has never belonged in Washington” People make better decisions if they have to walk down Main Street the next day, facing the folks whose lives are affected. That is…
July 23, 2019 Coal’s benefits far outweigh any potential increase in “greenhouse gas” emissions The Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change’s recent report, Climate Change Reconsidered II: Fossil Fuels, shows a warmer climate has produced net benefits to human…
July 18, 2019 Congressional Western Caucus urges President Trump to end U.S. dependence on foreign uranium Domestic production for calendar year 2019 is on pace to be a fraction of 1% of total demand and we will import roughly 99%…
July 17, 2019 U.S. Fish & Wildlife backs off private property grab over Louisiana gopher frog “…the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana approved a consent decree last week. Per the agreement, FWS will no longer protect…
July 16, 2019 Western Caucus members say BLM will be “more responsive” in new Colorado location “BLM will be more efficient and responsive in its new home of Grand Junction, where its employees will live alongside the ranchers, miners, and…
July 15, 2019 Swamp Draining: Senator Gardner announces BLM Headquarters will be moved from D.C. to western Colorado “This is a victory for local communities, advocates for public lands, and proponents for a more responsible and accountable federal government.” July 15, 2019…
July 13, 2019 Science supports removing Yellowstone grizzly from Endangered Species list Instead of recognizing the successful recovery of the Yellowstone grizzly, radical environmentalists have sought repeatedly, and for an ever-changing list of reasons, to invalidate…
July 12, 2019 Denver’s overpopulated Canadian Geese being culled for food and to reduce pollution from “avian manure” Of course, the primary safety consideration at issue here, the situation that triggered the roundup in the first place, is the nearly three tons…
July 11, 2019 GOP Representatives look into Obama’s politically-motivated Minnesota mineral withdrawal …the Obama administration misled Congress while acting in the interests of unnamed “activists” by initiating a bad faith environmental review designed to reach a…
July 9, 2019 Will SCOTUS gerrymandering decision affect race-based redistricting in San Juan County? Regardless of whether or not the new boundaries are fair, the process to create the boundaries was completely controlled by the judicial branch of…