September 11, 2017 Science confirms fuels reduction policies needed to stem wildfires Across the country, particularly in the west, national forests have millions of dead and dying trees. Growth and mortality rates far outpace fuels reduction…
September 8, 2017 Science proves it’s time to take grizzly bears off endangered species list They claim that delisting will increase human encounters, thus leading to killing — euthanizing, if you like. Of course, more encounters are already happening…
September 7, 2017 Wildfires raging across West involve nearly 1.5 million acres Interstate 84 closed in Oregon after the Eagle Creek Fire began to spread. The highway is closed to traffic for more than 80 miles from…
August 31, 2017 Wild Horse and Burro Summit uses science to tackle management dilemmas “If the current management policies continue, the impacts to fragile western rangelands, wild horses and burros, wildlife and their habitats, and humans will intensify…
August 29, 2017 EPA Chief Pruitt demands science over activism, and enviros hate him for it Some activists want to ban virtually all pesticides. Although chlorpyrifos meets the EPA’s extremely stringent safety standards, two such groups nevertheless petitioned EPA to…
August 20, 2017 Forest Fires: Private Property Rights vs Bureaucrats [paypal_donation_button] The Department of Agriculture predicts that, by 2050, the number of acres burned annually could triple. The causes of increased fire risk are complex,…
August 16, 2017 Protection of landowner rights key to saving endangered species The statute also burdens property owners through the designation of critical habitat, which further restricts land use. Most alarmingly, the federal agency charged with implementing…
August 6, 2017 Extreme greens misuse imaging in anti-oil & gas scare campaign [paypal_donation_button] Even more shocking than their blatantly deceptive techniques, is the fact that Earth Works actually assumes its infantile propaganda will get past real…
August 6, 2017 Scandalous EPA coverup of Gold King Mine spill ‘cannot be ignored’ [paypal_donation_button] Thanks to photos taken the day before and the day of the disaster, we now know the workers had excavated the entire plug…
August 4, 2017 Is county commissioner from Colorado violating ethics with environmentalist lobbying? [paypal_donation_button] Yet at a May press conference hosted by Sens. Michael Bennet (D-olo.) and Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.) to preview the upcoming vote on repealing the BLM…