Extreme greens misuse imaging in anti-oil & gas scare campaign


Even more shocking than their blatantly deceptive techniques, is the fact that Earth Works actually assumes its infantile propaganda will get past real environmental scientists.

posted by Marjorie Haun

Earth Works, a radical anti-energy green group, is using infrared imaging in an attempt to dupe the public into believing natural gas facilities in Colorado are spewing huge amounts of methane into the atmosphere. The truth is very different than what these paid environmentalist activists want you to believe.

Even more shocking than their blatantly deceptive techniques, is the fact that Earth Works actually assumes its infantile propaganda will get past real environmental scientists.

*The featured image shows water vapor, aka steam, emitted from a natural gas power plant in California.

**Take note of the ‘plume’ photographed coming from New Belgium Brewing Company

*According to the Facebook page urging a boycott of New Belgium Brewing Company:

New Belgium Brewing is a major funder of anti-coal, anti-fracking, anti-natural gas, anti-hydro, anti-gun, and anti-oil advocacy. New Belgium has indirectly funded lawsuits to stop coal mines and natural gas operations in western Colorado. New Belgium has also funded negative campaigns against good honest candidates where the outcome was pure defamation. The number of jobs lost in western Colorado due to New Belgium’s funding is in the thousands and the local economies continue to struggle. Join the effort to boycott New Belgium for ruining western Colorado’s economy. The mission is simple: when offered a Fat Tire or other New Belgium brew, say, “No thank you.” When ordering from the bar, “Ask what beers support working men and women?” New Belgium is against the American worker. Why should you support a company that wants to take away your job?

Free Range Report



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