November 22, 2016 Utah Lands office intervenes in heated disputes between ranchers, feds Johnson said those who believe in multiple use of the land need to stick together, or else be picked off “one by one,” by…
November 21, 2016 Overzealous federal efforts to ‘protect’ lands are counterproductive In our desperation to save our treasures while something remains to be saved, we on the protectionist side have repeatedly done an end run…
November 18, 2016 Top 10 myths about wild horses in the West Horses have a greater impact on rangeland vegetation than other ungulates because of their anatomy and foraging habits. Horses can consume 1.25 times the…
November 15, 2016 Troubling facts behind the BLM’s wild horse and burro disaster Horses and burros gathered by the BLM are held in holding facilities. A small number of them are adopted to private caretakers. The vast…
November 10, 2016 Bears Ears will not be protected by overrunning it with tourism Though it aims to protect sacred space and preserve archaeological sites, a monument would actually tame the wild, overrun the spiritual, enforce webs of…
November 8, 2016 National Monuments: The New Feudalism In areas designated national monuments, productive activities are heavily restricted or even banned. These are precisely the sorts of restrictions that federal agencies have…
November 2, 2016 Bears Ears Monument pushed by outside interests, still opposed by Utahans By far most Utahns still don’t want Obama to create such a park in southeastern Utah before he leaves office at the first of…
October 28, 2016 Wild horse crisis explodes under BLM, still no strategic plan While the inspector general’s review pointed to probable scenarios outlined by the BLM’s national director to reach targeted levels in three to five or…
October 25, 2016 EDITORIAL: Politically-Motivated Lands Deal Cheats Utah’s Most Impoverished County “When a county that gives up land to “producing” counties receives a quarter of the mineral lease payment generated in the receiving county, what…
October 25, 2016 Bears Ears Autumn Free Range Report extends a warm thanks to Kara Laws, owner of Illuminated Moments, for sharing her beautiful photographs of the landscapes, trees and wildlife…