December 13, 2016 Will Obama impose ‘imperial’ designation on Bears Ears? But there are also some honest disagreements about how exactly the land should be protected. Most Native Americans who live around Bears Ears and use the…
December 2, 2016 National monuments should not be one-man shows, must include local input Pearce points out “the Antiquities Act requires that a president designate the smallest possible footprint in order to achieve the desired environmental preservation” and…
November 10, 2016 Bears Ears will not be protected by overrunning it with tourism Though it aims to protect sacred space and preserve archaeological sites, a monument would actually tame the wild, overrun the spiritual, enforce webs of…
November 10, 2016 Owyhee Monument opponents hope Trump will help them escape federal designation Some Eastern Oregon ranchers believe Donald Trump’s victory makes it less likely that President Barack Obama will declare a national monument in Malheur County…
November 8, 2016 National Monuments: The New Feudalism In areas designated national monuments, productive activities are heavily restricted or even banned. These are precisely the sorts of restrictions that federal agencies have…
November 2, 2016 Bears Ears Monument pushed by outside interests, still opposed by Utahans By far most Utahns still don’t want Obama to create such a park in southeastern Utah before he leaves office at the first of…
October 19, 2016 Radical environmentalism gets a new name thanks, to Obama Antiquities Act Abuse Environmentalists at and around Southern Oregon University apparently were given special notice of the meeting ahead of other key stakeholders and opponents to the proposed massive…
October 15, 2016 In land grab schemes, rich progressives push Feds to lock up millions of acres Its appetite for land is insatiable: millions will be spent, not improving visitor facilities, but acquiring land and demanding a larger park, after all…
October 8, 2016 Bears Ears, PLI controversies show Congress must stop executive land grabs Obama’s legacy is shutting off land to free use by American citizens has hurt economic development on land and sea, and the American people…
October 8, 2016 Oregon locals would be driven off lands by national monument Special interest groups from Portland Bend are lobbying the president to create a national monument in Eastern Oregon’s Malheur County. But what they’re not…