April 7, 2019 Colorado Dems intent on killing state’s economy with de facto drilling ban SB 181 opponents said it closely resembled 2018’s failed ballot initiative pushed by environmentalists and some Democrats that would have effectively banned hydraulic fracturing in…
April 6, 2019 Big tourism kills traditional industries, and now it’s killing the environment …we kill off the traditional industries that supported western towns, replacing them with the tourism that beautiful places attract when promoted. Then decide we’re…
April 4, 2019 California’s precious water is being consumed by Saudi Arabian interests Massive industrial storehouses line the southern end of town, packed with thousands upon thousands of stacks of alfalfa bales ready to be fed to…
April 2, 2019 Husband of “Old Broad” enviro pleads “no contest” to charges stemming from attempted cattle destruction Through pleading “no contest” to the Class A and Class B misdemeanor charges of “trespassing on State Trust Lands [with the intent to do…
April 1, 2019 After being imprisoned by the feds for digging ponds, Joe Robertson has died The Navy veteran argued that he didn’t violate the Clean Water Act because digging the ponds did not discharge any soil to navigable…
April 1, 2019 What’s going on with San Juan County’s commissioners? When it was time to vote on the development, Willie literally looked stumped. Like he had no idea what to do. I think he…
March 30, 2019 Rancher: “Sargent cows” sometimes step up to defend herd from predators They end up as the last cow in the herd, bringing up the rear when you are driving, or better yet following. They will…
March 28, 2019 Alaska Natives angry at Dems who want to close ANWR to oil and gas “In an almost jaw-dropping way, the Iñupiat people have been left out of this bill,” Glenn said, referencing his own Native American tribe. “If…
March 26, 2019 Federal agency to blame for severity of Midwest flooding When operating the reservoir, the agency misjudges the amount of water that should be released and prioritizes the welfare of endangered animals over the…
March 23, 2019 Uber-progressive “Tides Foundation” driving Colorado wolf introduction scheme Under heading of “Impact Investing” Tides acknowledges making direct land purchases on auspice of protecting lands. Tides Center dba Rocky Mountain Wolf Project is…