Prosecutors in Las Vegas filed a Motion In Limine late Tuesday in the case of The United States vs Cliven Bundy et al — in hopes that Nevada District Court Judge Gloria Navarro – will allow the Government to “cover-up” any wrong doing agents in the Bureau Of Land Management – who conducted the Bundy cattle impoundment in April of 2014 – may have committed.
Prosecutors In Nevada Beg Trial Judge To Protect The BLM From Scrutiny During Bundy Trial
“It’s a shocking blatant attempt by the Government to cover-up the brutal conduct of BLM agents that caused a near catastrophe in Bunkerville, Nevada during the impoundment of rancher Cliven Bundy’s cattle,” says a defense attorney representing one of the defendants in the case.
The motion is a draconian attempt at best to “protect” government agents from being exposed to further scrutiny during the upcoming Nevada trials in which they will be under-oath to tell the truth.
The defense in this case is centered around civil rights violations of the Bundy family and protestors who came to Bunkerville, Nevada to protest an overreaching government agency who had beaten and incarcerated Cliven Bundy’s son Dave Bundy and other protestors, used a stun gun on his son Ammon Bundy, viciously attacked Mr. Bundy’s sister Margaret, and terrorized peaceful protest with threat of snipers and military force.
Further the government which successfully used the idea that some of the defendants in the Oregon trial of the United States vs Ammon Bundy et al .. were also involved in the Bundy Ranch “armed” protest as a reason to deny them a pretrial release, now ask the Judge to not allow any reference to that case including the fact they were acquitted.

Attorney from Rhode Island Roger Roots, who was instrumental in the Oregon case and acts as a paralegal for Ryan Bundy says, he is confident that “most” of this motion will be denied but that if even one point is granted it would be a travesty. They basically tried to use the same tactic in Oregon says Roots, and we all know how well they worked out for them.
Mr. Roots is more confident in the courts than others. It is worth noting that not one key motion filed by the defense has been granted and that the Judges assigned to this case almost always passed motions filed by the Prosecution, effectively shutting down any defense the defendants and their counsel try to use.
Chris Rasmussen, Attorney for Talk Show Host Pete Santilli, while erring on the side of caution to not give an in-depth comment on the motion said;
It is what it is and we will fight it. The government wishes to eliminate anything we could use that goes to the defendants state of mind .. and we cannot allow that to happen. These people were frightened and there was a reason they reacted the way they did.
Former Nevada State Assembly Woman Michele Fiore who was and remains to be a staunch supporter of the Bundy family and protestors, reacted to the motion on Tuesday night by stating that it was just unbelievable to her the Government would try to stop the truth from being told in this case..
Do we or do we not still live in America? One way or the other the truth will be told and I would like to see them stop me from voluntarily giving my testimony when this trial begins.

Carol Bundy, Cliven Bundy’s wife, says it is outrageous to think the Government would even try a stunt like this;
So what kind of defense are we allowed to have if we can’t tell the truth? Because if the Government has it’s way it looks like we will not be allowed to have any defense at all.
It appears the government is rightfully concerned about the reputation of lead agent Daniel P. Love who has been the center of controversy in almost every operation he has conducted in the Western States. The underlying language in this motion is really about keeping Daniel Love from being exposed, and his overly aggressive military operation – that carried the potential for death and violence – to be kept from a Jury’s scrutiny. If you read this the way it is written it is clear the Government fears it will lose this case if the evidence against the BLM is ever shown to a Jury.
If allowed, this motion will quash key testimony that is expected by people like Dr. Jay Redd a prominent and respected Dentist in St. George Utah, whose father Dr. James Redd committed suicide after a BLM operation headed by “Super” Agent Daniel P. Love in Blanding, Utah, went very wrong . In all, there were 3 suicides associated with that operation. Senator Orrin Hatch at the time pleaded with then – AG Eric Holder – to look into the matter, and it could be very problematic for the Prosecution if Senator Hatch’s “opinion” about the BLM is heard by a Jury.
The government would love to have full reign over this trial, says Pete Santilli who was caught up in the arrests after his coverage of The Malheur Refuge Adverse Possession in Oregon last winter and charged in both cases ;
Sure, they would love it if we all just went into this trial docile and defeated, not willing to fight them, but that just isn’t going to happen. The Bureau of Land Management went to Bundy Ranch with a clear disdain and lack of respect for the Bundy Family. Dan Loves Objective fell just short of scorched earth policy; We can prove it, they know it and they are very, very afraid of that. As I see it, we have them right where we want them, why would they file such a ludicrous Motion otherwise? This Motion has the “BLM is guilty” written all over it and I for one think that’s great news. If the Government gets it’s way and eliminates the fact that Daniel P Love gave agents the authority to beat up on Bundy Family members and was not acting in a rational way during the impoundment, if the Jury is not allowed to hear what elected officials told Love in response to his brutal actions, and if there was never any reason whatsoever for protestors to be in fear for their lives, then I believe any Jury worth it’s salt is going to be very suspect as to the validity of this case. I mean, if nobody did anything wrong, then why the hell are we having a trial?
Free Range Report
They cannot be allowed to hide their actions behind some dumb ass court actions. Accountability is absolutely necessary, I will expect these type of actions from the incoming regime, we cannot let this moment die on our way to the hell we have coming. Do not let Bundys death be for no reason. We have to stop the police state now.
amen Larry!!!
I wonder if these [foreign] “agents” really know how much America hates them?
If the motion is denied, as it ought to be, the motion itself becomes an element In the trial.
Please free Steve Stuart he is being held and tried for the bandy stand off he is from idaho
Blatant is right, because at the end of the day. They knew exactly what they were doing. And intended to do from the beginning. We can only hope that the current AG, and Adiminstration is less liberal than Bill Clinton’s was when it was ran by child killer Janet Reno. We they did the exact same legal ploy over the investigation of the death at the Branch Devinity Compound deaths of women and child. St. Augustine wrote, ‘Truth, is a lion. Set it free, it will defend it’s self’. And if Jeff Sessions, and the Trump Administration have integrity. This motion will not be allowed. Because after watch the event unfold over those days. And watched an American citizen, and family man murdered in cold blood outside of Burns OR. Scrutiny, is exactly what the government agencies need to have done to them. As I would argue this type of heavy handed, out of control behavior is what need to stop. And those responsible need to held accountable to justice, for the sake of justice.