January 9, 2018 Anti-fracking radicals in hot water with court for asserting nature has human rights “An attorney’s zealous advocacy for the protection of a client’s interests is certainly appropriate; however, the legitimate pursuit of justice imposes important obligations on…
January 9, 2018 This is how YOU can help free the Hammonds Rather than charging Dwight and Steve under the BLM’s own land-use statutes, prosecutors instead maliciously charged them as domestic “terrorists” under the Antiterrorism Act…
January 9, 2018 After acquittals and mistrials, feds dismiss fourth case against ranchers The judge issued her ruling before a packed courtroom with nearly 100 spectators, as more than a dozen other spectators had to wait outside…
January 8, 2018 Collusion between anti-mining activist and Forest Service exposed in letter to Zinke “The record is clear and persuasive, as understood by the Minneapolis Star Tribune, that Becky Rom, collaborating with outgoing Obama Agency officials, led a…
January 7, 2018 Feds, ASPCA raid lawful farm of rare Game Fowl breeder “My birds are dying and missing in the care of the ASPCA, If you go to Tommy Carrano legal defense fund you can also…
January 6, 2018 Is fighting ‘climate change’ worth sacrificing modern civilization? As the Washington Post wrote this week, “The world is turning more and more to renewable sources of energy… to fight climate change. But…
January 6, 2018 Corrupt DC politicians, lobbyists using tribal monies to ‘fertilize the swamp’ In 2005 the public was entirely unaware that a federal stage had been intentionally installed, upon which many people like Abramoff—including Indian tribal leaders…
January 5, 2018 Colorado rancher, legislator will introduce ‘COORS’ bill to protect beef consumers In 2015, President Obama signed the Omnibus Bill which ordered the US Department of Agriculture to stop enforcing Country of Origin Labeling (COOL) regulations….
January 4, 2018 Six important facts about feral horses on the range The wild horse dilemma is a very emotional issue. Horse lovers, want to expand their habitat, and ranchers and wildlife managers want to contract…
January 3, 2018 Bacteria used to battle oil spills and cheatgrass Two strains of Pseudomonas fluorescens bacterium, named D-7 and MB-906, are being used because they can be applied in areas where perennial grasses and…