February 12, 2018 Court affirms landowners’ ‘valid existing rights’ to use motorboats near lakefront property The area was added to the National Wilderness Preservation System in 1987 by the Michigan Wilderness Act, which expressly preserved “valid existing rights.” Under…
February 12, 2018 ‘Wetlands’ regulations overhaul needed to protect croplands, private property rights New information discovered from the legal battle against farmer Robert Brace reveals that his plight has been part of a broader, decades-long crusade led…
February 11, 2018 Weird Science: Cattlemen call for labels identifying ‘in-vitro’ meat products …laboratory-produced meat is now at the cutting edge of the fake meat revolution, and in many cases is indistinguishable in appearance and cellular composition…
February 10, 2018 Shuffling the Swamp: BLM leaders shifted to other agencies in Interior reorganization Alaska Director Bud Cribley, Colorado Director Ruth Welch and New Mexico Director Amy Lueders are among as many as 50 BLM and other Interior…
February 10, 2018 Colorado citizens issue resolution calling for proper administration of water rights Plans using vague terms such as ‘banking, ‘augmentation,’ ‘fallowing,’ ‘consumptive conservation,’ etc., offer property owners–mostly farmers and ranchers–generous cash payments to decrease or stop…
February 9, 2018 Commissioner’s environmental lobbying activities spur Colorado recall effort While serving as La Plata County Commissioner, Lachelt has been receiving payments from the environmentalist non-profit, Western Leaders Network, to support her travel and…
February 8, 2018 Utah’s Noel introduces bill creating review process for federal designations Utah’s ongoing national monuments controversies may help jump-start Representative Noel’s bill. The painful and divisive conflicts over Utah’s unpopular Grand Staircase-Escalante (Clinton 1996) and…
February 7, 2018 Humane Society ‘scumbag’ CEO steps down amid sexual assault accusations When multiple news outlets reported that HSUS CEO Wayne Pacelle was under investigation regarding multiple complaints of sexual harassment, the media storm that followed aligned with…
February 6, 2018 Flashback 2013: Wolves kill 176 sheep on Idaho ranch Despite an abundance of data showing wolf reintroduction into regions where they have not existed for decades or centuries–if at all–is harmful to wildlife,…
February 6, 2018 Patagonia ‘public lands’ campaign all about subsidizing elite industrial tourism When it came to BLM lands, each recreation visitor cost $1.49 but brought in only $0.31 for the agency. The shortfalls are borne by…