April 4, 2018 Following vindications, those who turned backs on the Bundys do about-face The BLM also sought to seriously limit anyone and everyone’s access to the so-called public land, and persuaded the FAA to implement a No-fly…
April 3, 2018 Book Review: Arrow to the Heart reveals “devastating government corruption” In an engrossing and entertaining narrative, Kortlander exposes crooked federal agents operating within the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and National Fish and Wildlife…
March 13, 2018 HSUS leads ‘animal rights’ anti-pet crusade by pushing retail bans We can tell you it’s NOT about animal welfare. It is about forcing the American public to source their dogs from a certain location…
March 7, 2018 Custer Museum director releases bombshell book exposing deadly BLM abuses “Federal agents alleged that he was of selling valuable historical artifacts with false provenance, and illegally possessed eagle feathers. It was while fighting these…
February 28, 2018 Ryan Bundy seeks hearing on allegations in explosive Wooten letter “Incredibly, the prosecution in this case would have, through lies and obstruction of justice, had my father, brothers and I convicted for life, obviously…
February 22, 2018 Extreme green groups sue to block life-saving road in remote Aleutians Located on the southeastern tip of the Alaska Peninsula, King Cove is subject to the area’s stormy weather that frequently forces the shutdown of…
February 16, 2018 Despite history of failures and corruption, William Woody back as BLM top cop “Woody initially hired Special Agent Dan Love sometime in 2005. Even though Love was an inexperienced field agent Woody hand picked and assigned Love…
February 3, 2018 Montana State Senator joins fight to free Hammonds from prison “WHEREAS, Rather than citing Dwight and Steven for a “trespass burn”, which is the standard citation under BLM land-use statutes, federal prosecutors instead charged…
February 2, 2018 FBI agents, sheriff named in civil lawsuit by LaVoy Finicum’s passengers The 18-page complaint filed in U.S. District Court in Portland alleges that they were the victims of an “armed ambush, excessive-force seizure, conspiracy, battery…
January 26, 2018 Hammonds stripped of grazing rights while unjustly imprisoned by feds Onlookers are confused as they watch employees of federal lands – whether it is the BLM in Oregon or the US Forest Service in…