March 6, 2017 Worried about carbon dioxide emissions? Logging is the answer! The more concerned people are about climate change, the more they should be interested in active management to restore forest health. Yet many of…
March 4, 2017 How Trump can drain the EPA swamp Unnecessary environmental regulation imposes incalculable costs in foregone innovation and economic growth, and the loss of private property rights and liberty. Despite dramatic gains…
January 25, 2017 Trump orders progress on Dakota Access and Keystone XL pipelines For Keystone XL, the Obama administration’s own State Department reviewed the project multiple times and concluded that the pipeline would pose negligible environmental risk and not…
January 22, 2017 Trump Admin to hold EPA accountable for massive toxic river spill Republicans and Democrats have criticized the agency’s decision to ignore victims associated with the Gold King Mine spill, which released 3 million gallons of…
January 10, 2017 Navajo suicides, economic hardship spike following EPA toxic river spill Navajos have blamed the spill for a spike in suicides among tribal members. McGraw is not surprised by the spike, saying, “Recently, in the areas that our…
January 9, 2017 EPA sends 1,115,539 pounds of toxic metals into Lake Powell, pats itself on back for clean rivers Those toxic metals are now likely sitting at the bottom of Lake Powell where they could be stirred up by future storms and surges…
December 29, 2016 EPA: Extreme Politics Agency “Government employees and contractors at universities appear to be rubber-stamping EPA’s distorted claims,” Milloy wrote in the forward of his new book, which has…
December 12, 2016 Anti-fracking mythology busted by real-world science Despite their hysterical claims and protestations to the contrary, the existing scientific evidence shows hydraulic fracturing processes do not pose a systemic impact on…
December 5, 2016 Americans reject radical Obama ‘environmental’ agenda, want it rolled back Federal land, resource and environmental agencies have unleashed tsunamis of regulations in recent years, and President Obama is poised to issue many more before…
November 30, 2016 The case for dissolving the EPA For decades, in administrations Democratic and Republican alike, the Environmental Protection Agency has been a paragon of waste, fraud, and abuse, a corrupt taxpayer-funded…