March 10, 2019 Where’s the abuse? Is seizure of 33 horses from Virginia farm retaliation for lawsuit? The horses were in the sheriff’s custody for 37 days, and several of the animals who were healthy and robust at the time of…
March 8, 2019 Letter: Expanding Utah monument will mean less opportunity and freedom To say that Native American residents will never be shut out from access to the Bears Ears area is a naive notion. The Keyali…
March 7, 2019 Colorado lawmakers sponsor bill opposing frankenmeat “That lab-cultured protein, some people get really upset when we call it meat,” Lewis said. “I feel that meat needs to come from animals…
March 6, 2019 Arizona ranchers frustrated with lack of federal presence at Mexico border “The Border Patrol are in the Tucson station, which is 80 miles north of the border,” said Chilton, criticizing what is known as the…
March 5, 2019 Oregon counties pressure feds for increased say in forest management, access Susan Roberts, chair of the Eastern Oregon Counties Association said, “Over time these two forests have had multiple road closures and access is becoming…
March 1, 2019 Letter: New San Juan commissioners steamroll locals with enviro agenda These two men that claim to represent us are having their strings pulled and tugged at by forces unseen. They are getting their documents…
February 27, 2019 La Plata commissioners insult locals, make bizarre missteps With county officials centralizing power into their own hands, castigating locals for non-existent offenses, and taking long vacations while collecting fat government paychecks, perhaps…
February 26, 2019 Without Country of Origin Labeling, Americans have no clue where beef and pork come from …all the beef and pork derived from imported live cattle and hogs from Canada and Mexico that are slaughtered in the United States is…
February 25, 2019 Avalanche of land-grabbing “management” bills will harm state, local economies The Senate package designates 1.3 million acres in California, New Mexico, Oregon and Utah as wilderness, the strictest form of federal protection that bans…
February 23, 2019 Grijalva joins enviro extremists in push for 1.7 million acre Arizona land grab The Southern Arizona Congressman is expected to unveil legislation that seeks to authorize a permanent 1.7 million acre land grab in Northern Arizona and…