October 10, 2019 Colorado county using RS-2477 claims to gain jurisdiction over roads on federally-managed lands In June, 2018, the commissioners passed a resolution claiming 17 roads and trails in the San Juan National Forest as county-controlled right of ways…
October 9, 2019 California’s forest management crisis leads to power outages for millions The company was found responsible for numerous wildfires in the past, including the 2018 Paradise fire that killed 86 people… This preemptive move aims…
October 8, 2019 GOOD RIDDANCE: Now-defunct WOTUS asserted federal power over “virtually all water” That battle landed in numerous courts in 2015 when the Obama Administration issued a new interpretation of WOTUS. They said the new rule gave…
October 6, 2019 Western Caucus writes White House urging ending U.S. dependence on foreign uranium In our view, any actions taken to reinvigorate this nuclear supply chain should start at the front end with responsible mining here at home….
October 2, 2019 Babies raised around livestock have more robust immune systems than urban babies This suggests, according to researchers at Ohio State University, that early exposure to a wider variety of environmental bacteria, including those found in and…
October 1, 2019 No Breeding Allowed: What’s really behind U.S. Bank turning down horse farm’s agricultural loan? Is animal reproduction an activity deemed ineligible for a bank loan? Yes, in Rein’s case, and the rejection was triggered specifically due to her…
September 30, 2019 CO2 is a crucial, life-sustaining nutrient, and farmers want more of it, not less “…it’s not a pollutant that threatens human civilization as has been ridiculously claimed by global warming doomsday pushers. CO2 actually increases plant yields, accelerates…
September 28, 2019 The rising popularity of OHV’s for “public lands” recreation must be addressed fairly Recently members of UTV Utah, have led the fight to open street-legal access to Utah’s roads and highways by sending a letter to Secretary…
September 24, 2019 Fake News Alert: REAL farmers and ranchers DO NOT support Green New Deal …But a quick look at its steering committee tells the rest of the story. Andre Leu, the international director, used to chair IFOAM Organics,…
September 24, 2019 Former clerk blows up myth that San Juan County districts were ever “racist” These historical facts are documented in county records and federal court records. Under the direction of the DOJ, the county did everything required to…