September 13, 2016 San Juan County violates due process with wind farm, sticks residents with $250K legal bill “Monticello, a largely agricultural and ranching town of about 2,000 located in San Juan County, now finds its wind farm in the midst of…
September 12, 2016 Utah ranchers’ grazing rights threatened by national monument Why San Juan County ranchers oppose another national monument in Bears Ears posted by Sutherland Institute Many ranchers living in the region of the Colorado…
September 12, 2016 BLM flip-flops on motorized travel, after county commissioner convicted BLM considering trail plans for controversial Recapture Canyon Convicted commissioner calls proposals ‘way past due’; agency calls them ‘big milestone’ By Dennis Romboy Deseret News…
September 11, 2016 Misinformation, lack of trust hampering Washington wolf management efforts Free flow of information missing from wolf policy from Capital Press Managing wildlife — especially hot button predators such as wolves — requires total…
September 11, 2016 Nevada State vet rings alarm bells on feral horse populations State vet: Declare horse population an emergency by FALLON GODWIN-BUTLER Elko Daily Free Press “Dr. Goicoechea couldn’t have hit it any better on the head….
September 9, 2016 VIDEO: Property Rights on Western Ranches “Although the Constitution and specific federal statutes require ranchers be compensated for the value of their property interests when government officials cancel grazing permits…
September 9, 2016 Are BLM Nevada sage grouse efforts in violation of federal law? Commentary: BLM sage grouse guidelines will bury land users in paperwork Thomas Mitchell from Elko Daily Free Press The Bureau of Land Management this…
September 8, 2016 What’s behind media smears of ranchers victimized by federal actions? Welcome to the New Normal — a Land of Labels, Distortions, and Misinformation — Seven Realities Nobody Wants to Talk About, Starting with No….
September 8, 2016 Part 2: The Goading of The West In the Crossfires of Constitutional Confusion OPINION: Jacen Brewer Free Range Report Contributor Part 2/2 “Undoubtedly, guns aimed by a government at its own citizenry is telling of amplified tensions….
September 7, 2016 Northwest farmers, ranchers take action to mitigate wildfire damage Rural landowners assert role in fighting wildfires by Chad Sokol Spokesman-Review Wildfires in rural Washington have again brought complaints from farmers and property owners…