November 1, 2019 Municipal “growth-management plans” and their crushing fiscal and social costs Median home prices in growth-managed regions are typically two to four times more than those in unmanaged areas. Growth restrictions also dramatically increase home…
October 30, 2019 Green New Deal: No science required They insist that even another half-degree increase in planetary temperatures since Earth emerged from the Little Ice Age (1350-1850) would be cataclysmic. That’s absurd….
October 29, 2019 Will logging eastern forests help reverse downward trend in game populations? Good luck kicking up a bird on any national forest in the Mid-Atlantic these days. The North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission’s avid grouse hunter survey…
October 25, 2019 Grizzly management programs headed down the same doomed path as wolves Calls for help have been largely ignored as the agenda of the expansion and overpopulation of apex predators continues by our powers that be,…
October 22, 2019 Radicals pushing to release “serial killer” wolves into Colorado’s ecosystems The wolf experiment has been a catastrophe everywhere it has been tried. Most recently the Washington State game managers had to kill off the…
October 21, 2019 Does Colorado Water Project Proposition DD favor water brokers over farmers and ranchers? For many years, the groundwater under much of the South Platte Basin, which includes Weld County, was accessed via the drilling of private wells….
October 18, 2019 The Trump administration’s successful war against bureaucratic bullies All of these cases share a common feature: They arose from unelected bureaucrats making completely selective decisions about how a law should be interpreted…
October 18, 2019 If Utah enviros really cared about the planet and its people, they would support cobalt mine in Garfield County As consumers, we have an absolute moral and possibly a national security imperative to explore alternatives to cobalt dug up overseas under conditions of…
October 15, 2019 In 2018 the Navajo Nation demanded San Juan County stop maintaining roads, deterioration and disrepair followed The county maintained roads on the reservation for decades, but never had a formal agreement with the Navajo Nation giving them the legal authority…
October 14, 2019 Joe Robertson’s case inspires President Trump to end era of bureaucratic abuses Joe Robertson’s case is one of many cited by President Trump as examples of the abuse of Americans by overzealous federal bureaucrats in various…