April 10, 2018 Flashback 2012: Georgia city bullies man to death over chickens “He posted on his Facebook account that he was going to be a attending a political event. While he was gone, his chickens were…
April 3, 2018 Book Review: Arrow to the Heart reveals “devastating government corruption” In an engrossing and entertaining narrative, Kortlander exposes crooked federal agents operating within the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and National Fish and Wildlife…
March 23, 2018 GarCo Commissioners defend rancher from BLM plan to slash grazing by half Although Flanagan stated that he wants to build his herd to its full potential, BLM plans to cut his AUM’s because his herd currently…
March 21, 2018 Shocking case exposes how feds colluded with enviros to destroy PA farmer Kogan has further unearthed evidence revealing how FWS actively undermined USDA-authorized commenced conversion determinations on farms in Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota at…
March 19, 2018 Wolves consume Oregon rancher’s time and livestock On Jan. 3, a 550-pound calf was killed and when found, all of its internal organs had been eaten or dragged away. On Jan….
March 18, 2018 Native American rancher arrested for grazing cattle on reservation faces 20 years July 2016: another round up of Curtis’ cattle occurred. This time a little over 200 were taken, and many were left dead during the…
March 9, 2018 Minnesota land owner responds to state’s taking of his property “We feel the DNR led the Court down a deceptive road with their theory on why they claim this watercourse was natural and always…
March 3, 2018 Texas ranchers may lose property to eminent domain water project Ranchers and farmers in North Texas are angered over the prospect of losing their land and homes through an eminent domain taking for a…
March 1, 2018 Is western Colorado ‘banking’ program a water rights-grabbing scam? …a program which has been giving property owners large cash sums if they will agree to ‘fallow’ their croplands, thus ‘banking’ (not using) the…
February 24, 2018 BLM neglect causes massive damage to Colorado man’s property The BLM passed him from employee to employee and office to office but never took any action to remove or stabilize the shed. In…