November 23, 2017 Insane zoning regs stripping citizens’ private property rights Regulations that destroy property value are referred to as “regulatory takings,” as I have mentioned in previous columns. The courts say there is no…
November 21, 2017 Oregon water rights lawsuit against BLM may be headed to Supreme Court Meanwhile, the BLM would revoke the 1,400 additional AUMS as their water rights were restored. While they initially agreed to this arrangement, the Whites…
November 19, 2017 Flashback 1998: Ecoterrorists attack ranches across the West Then the BLM kept taking us off earlier in the spring. We had a cabin that we’d bought with the range, another where Silver…
November 3, 2017 Trial date set for enviro charged with attempted livestock destruction, witness retaliation A hearing was held in San Juan County Court on November 2, and the dates were set for Chilcoat’s and Franklin’s criminal trials. Chilcoat…
October 29, 2017 Enviros use regulations to criminalize ordinary agricultural activities Sometimes those mistakes may be embarrassing, like when EPA threatened Andy Johnson and his family with $20 million in fines based on an errant…
October 28, 2017 Respect livestock, private property while traveling in rural America Spotting wildlife or interesting livestock can really add to the desire to explore. This can open you up to a hazard much more dangerous…
October 26, 2017 Fish & Wildlife using ‘non-existent’ frog to attack Louisiana farmer’s property rights …the feds have designated Poitevent’s property as critical habitat for the non-existent frog and in effect have shut down commercial opportunities for the land….
October 7, 2017 Burdensome regulations counterproductive to conservation efforts The same incentives that make historic preservation laws counterproductive also make much environmental regulation just as ineffective. Jonathan Wood Property and Environment Research Center…
October 6, 2017 Antiquities Act weakens rural communities by robbing them of lands “What is needed is wholesale reform of the Antiquities Act, to return its monumental power back to where it belongs: To the people who…
October 2, 2017 Will Trump dump pernicious Obama-era EPA regs? Mr. Duarte also has a nursery business near Modesto and employs 600 people every year. He has already paid over $2 million in legal…