January 21, 2017 Obama backs off Owyhee designation, could Oregon Standoff be why? Despite the fact that mainstream media and left-wing environmentalist launched a smear campaign against the ranchers and their supporters, the Administration and its political allies,…
January 20, 2017 Feds order destruction of wolf elk kill data because helicopters were used Their stated goal was to learn why the elk population there has declined “related to excessive predation following federal reintroduction of wolves into the…
January 20, 2017 Addressing inequality of western states through locally-sourced stewardship Federal land agencies have managed the West like a museum for years. This hands-off management approach has resulted in watershed destruction, air pollution, and…
January 19, 2017 Federal prosecutors file criminal charges against Ammon Bundy’s attorney Prosecutor files formal criminal information, lodging three charges against Marcus Mumford Maxine Bernstein Oregonian A federal prosecutor has filed a formal criminal information charging Marcus Mumford,…
January 19, 2017 Property rights group addresses misunderstandings about federal grazing laws Misunderstandings about the history and original intent of federal grazing law by both ranchers and federal agents is fueling tensions across the West, making…
January 19, 2017 Fake news about looting used to push federal Bears Ears takeover San Juan County Commissioner Rebecca Benally testified to this fact in a Congressional hearing last September. In her testimony she asserted that not only…
January 18, 2017 Interior nominee promises to revisit Obama monuments takeovers “I’m absolutely committed to restoring trust. If confirmed, I’ve committed to go out to Utah first, and talk to the governor and talk to…
January 18, 2017 Letter: Trump Ag Secretary critical to future of America’s small farmers Meanwhile, we know that 80% of the Farm Bill goes to SNAP and only 15% is actually paid to farmers in the form of…
January 17, 2017 Remembering the Bunkerville Standoff as Nevada Bundy trial nears The first political leader who stepped up to the plate to do anything to support the Bundys was Iron County Commissioner, David Miller, who…
January 17, 2017 Jeanette Finicum continues fight for property rights in behalf of slain husband “It is the anniversary of my husband’s death. We want to continue with his mission. The people within counties and states should decide how…