February 5, 2018 Who are the big players in the anti-livestock movement? Memphis Meats is a business…well, I don’t think I can call them a business if they aren’t selling anything or making any money besides…
February 4, 2018 Opening up land to ‘homestead’ Americans displaced by natural disasters What if, instead of spending money to rebuild in the same disaster-prone places, we offered land to build somewhere else? That is the question…
February 3, 2018 Montana State Senator joins fight to free Hammonds from prison “WHEREAS, Rather than citing Dwight and Steven for a “trespass burn”, which is the standard citation under BLM land-use statutes, federal prosecutors instead charged…
February 2, 2018 FBI agents, sheriff named in civil lawsuit by LaVoy Finicum’s passengers The 18-page complaint filed in U.S. District Court in Portland alleges that they were the victims of an “armed ambush, excessive-force seizure, conspiracy, battery…
February 1, 2018 Who owns the view? Viral video poses questions about BLM photography permits “The camera equipment that we had was legit…long story short (BLM) pulled us off at the trail, brought us right to the BLM office…
February 1, 2018 Utah’s Choice: Restrictive national park vs sprawling national monuments Okerlund is sponsoring SCR8 in support of legislation before Congress sponsored by Rep. Chris Stewart, R-Utah, that establishes a national park and two national…
January 31, 2018 Jobs lost to over regulation coming back with American energy dominance Our action on West Elk will allow for the continued employment of 222 workers for about three years. These moves were only possible with…
January 30, 2018 Zinke blasts National Parks failure to deal with ‘culture of sexual harassment’ “We’ve had a culture of sexual harassment. That era has come rapidly to a close,” he told The DC. “I have fired four individuals….
January 28, 2018 Colorado College public lands push poll pits multiple use against ‘protection’ And worst of all, the poll assumes that if you are pro-local control of public lands–as in the Utah monuments’ case–that you hate the…
January 27, 2018 Cliven Bundy sues feds for declaration that public lands belong to the state In a lawsuit filed Thursday in Clark County District Court, Bundy claimed that former President Barack Obama’s late 2016 establishment of the Gold Butte…