June 27, 2017 New Mexico cannot sue Colorado for EPA debacle, Gold King Mine spill New Mexico and the Navajo Nation have sued the EPA over the spill. Government lawyers in February asked a federal judge to dismiss the…
June 24, 2017 New EPA chief drains swamp of advisors behind heavy-handed Obama climate regs The Trump administration is moving to revamp an EPA committee that conservatives believe rubber-stamped many of former President Barack Obama’s climate regulations. Chris White Daily…
June 22, 2017 Colorado enviros stoke cancer fears over Rocky Flats National Wildlife Refuge development At the very least the lawsuit, if successful, would push back public access for months and possibly years beyond the planned opening in the…
June 20, 2017 Experts rebut study claiming United States could run on 100% ‘renewable’ energy David Victor, an energy policy expert at University of California-San Diego and PNAS co-author, said Jacobson’s study sets “wildly unrealistic expectations” that could cause…
June 16, 2017 National monument status exposes Giant Sequoia to major fire danger The forest’s “monument” status has prevented the U.S. Forest Service from performing routine maintenance such as thinning trees and clearing out dead brush. The…
June 16, 2017 Deluge of Lies: EPA covers up the truth about its role in disastrous Gold King Mine spill Had the EPA actually been doing what it claims it did, the disaster would never have happened. However, it seems the EPA could not…
June 11, 2017 Idaho ranch research suggests grazing improves sage grouse habitat “Through using grazing as a tool, we can improve sage grouse habitat — not just coexist, but improve it,” Prescott said. John O’Connell Capital…
June 9, 2017 Federal environmental hazard, EPA, gets scaled way back in Trump budget The White House’s budget calls for a 31 percent cut to EPA’s 2018 budget. It gives the Department of State a 29 percent cut,…
June 6, 2017 One of West’s best wildlife managers picked to head US Fish & Wildlife “I am thrilled to have an opportunity to work with Secretary Zinke and the great team at the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service,” Sheehan…
June 5, 2017 U.S – Paris Climate Accord: A Losing Proposition. US Paid $1B to Green Climate Fund, Top Polluters Paid $0 The United States contributed $1 billion to the global Green Climate Fund,…