November 14, 2018 Land management policies, population growth at root of California wildfires Indeed, the latest National Climate Assessment special report found there’s only a “low to medium confidence for a detectable human climate change contribution in…
October 18, 2018 Congress takes a look into foreign influences in green movement Bishop and Westerman have also raised similar concerns about the relationship between the Natural Resources Defense Council and China’s Communist Party. It’s been widely reported that…
October 17, 2018 Utah ranchers try to rebuild after cattle killed in horrific wildfires As a result of the recent Coal Hollow and the Pole Creek fires we have discovered 62 individual burned and dead cattle. We have…
October 12, 2018 Does Congress have the guts to fix feral horse crisis? Beyond legislative efforts to impede horse slaughter and unlimited sales as management tools for America’s feral equines, Congress, including members of both parties, has…
October 11, 2018 The Real Climate Agenda? Global Communism “Climate policy has almost nothing to do anymore with protecting the environment. The next world climate summit in Cancun is actually an economy summit during…
October 3, 2018 Wildfire Winter? …we are now witnessing yearly events, worsening and predictable events, that are causing direct and indirect devastation to people, crops and communities. We might…
September 29, 2018 San Francisco feeling the pain of its own environmentalist policies San Francisco officials are once again learning the meaning of the word “petard,” as they struggle with water shortages. Several times, endangered species issues…
September 20, 2018 Arizona Apaches employ logging, clearing, prescribed burns in wildfire management “On the Rattlesnake Fire, it didn’t burn hardly any on the White Mountain Apache side because it burned up to their prescribed burn and…
April 20, 2018 Air Force, Interior Department to close off Utah lands for weapons testing According to the draft MOA, local governments will coordinate with the BLM to establish checkpoints for entry, and public safety and emergency response plans…
March 19, 2018 Wolves consume Oregon rancher’s time and livestock On Jan. 3, a 550-pound calf was killed and when found, all of its internal organs had been eaten or dragged away. On Jan….