August 6, 2017 Extreme greens misuse imaging in anti-oil & gas scare campaign [paypal_donation_button] Even more shocking than their blatantly deceptive techniques, is the fact that Earth Works actually assumes its infantile propaganda will get past real…
August 4, 2017 Is county commissioner from Colorado violating ethics with environmentalist lobbying? [paypal_donation_button] Yet at a May press conference hosted by Sens. Michael Bennet (D-olo.) and Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.) to preview the upcoming vote on repealing the BLM…
July 21, 2017 Dem Colorado Congressman introduces bill pushing elimination of fossil fuels Thirty years, in historical terms, is a short period of time in which to completely transform America’s economy, infrastructure, travel patterns, lifestyles, technological sectors,…
July 19, 2017 Seven points that prove North Fork drilling report is anti-fracking propaganda Just a superficial review of the report’s sourcing gives one sufficient insight into its nature and intent to see that it suffers from a…
July 18, 2017 Rebuttal to Western Colorado activist group’s anti-natural gas ‘report’ Editors note: An environmental activist group calling itself ‘Citizens for a Healthy Community’ is attempting to stall, or halt altogether, plans for natural gas…
July 12, 2017 Jordan Cove natural gas project will help environment, increase geopolitical stability If you truly care about the environment, then supporting the export of natural gas to Asia, India and other Eastern European countries makes sense. …
June 30, 2017 Action on Energy Empowers Local Leaders, Lays Groundwork for Prosperity Jun 30th, 2017 “One step forward, two steps back.” That’s how we summed up the situation the last time an offshore oil and gas exploration…
June 24, 2017 New EPA chief drains swamp of advisors behind heavy-handed Obama climate regs The Trump administration is moving to revamp an EPA committee that conservatives believe rubber-stamped many of former President Barack Obama’s climate regulations. Chris White Daily…
June 23, 2017 Senate inaction on illegal BLM ‘methane rule’ endangers jobs, affordable energy Americans will have to pay a hefty price for this needless rule. One analysis predicts it could cost over $1.2 billion a year. Small…
June 21, 2017 Hopi, Navajo tribes want Trump to rescue Arizona coal mine, power station and related jobs The federal government could be the last, best hope to save the Navajo Generating Station, a coal-fired facility on Navajo Nation land near the…