December 3, 2017 Bill easing regs on tribal energy development passes Senate “The Southern Ute Indian Tribe strongly supports this legislation,” said Clement Frost, chairman of the Southern Ute Indian Tribe. “Energy development on our lands…
December 3, 2017 Western Colorado leaders discuss energy development with key Trump officials The Jordan Cove project is a liquefied natural gas export facility that will allow natural gas to be extracted in western Colorado before being…
November 30, 2017 Western leaders say NEPA a costly impediment to energy development “Counties, as units of local government, should be afforded great deference by land managers in the federal government,” said Willox. “We agree with the…
November 26, 2017 NIMBY epidemic ravages Colorado’s eco-snobbery class “People in Nigeria,” he said, “go camping every day of their life, for their entire life.” Mbride smiled and continued, “only people in America…
November 24, 2017 Zinke’s Interior upends Obama era anti-domestic energy policies The Department of Interior announced it is rescinding a policy implemented under former President Barack Obama placing large areas of public lands off limits…
November 12, 2017 Bill to reduce job-killing oil and gas leasing delays moves through House committee According to bill sponsors, access to federal lands since 2008 has fallen by over 40 percent. Between land set aside as off-limits, duplicative environmental…
November 9, 2017 Senate swamp creatures playing politics with public lands management The Department of Interior is charged with creating and implementing policies governing America’s public lands, energy and mineral resources, waters, etc. But without expedient…
October 30, 2017 Congressmen call on AG Sessions to prosecute pipeline terrorists In April, a newspaper in Colorado went as far as publishing a letter to the editor that stated, “If the oil and gas industry…
October 15, 2017 Western leaders assert state control over energy permitting in new bill “The states have developed extensive regulatory frameworks for permitting oil and gas development on state lands,” Gosar said. Energy-rich states not only do the…
October 10, 2017 Native American Energy Act promises to ease tribal poverty This legislation contains important permitting and Judicial review provisions for tribes and Alaska Native Corporations that work to eliminate attacks by outside special interest groups. Overall, this bill is…