May 30, 2017 Idaho BLM tries balanced approach on grazing plan, enviros lose their minds Lisa Cresswell, the planning and environmental coordinator for the Twin Falls District of the BLM, said the document combined with the BLM’s 2015 Greater…
May 26, 2017 Natural Resources head moves to bring more local control to land, resource policies “Our experience has been that the BLM [Bureau of Land Management] planners hold very few public meetings where information is given, but not exchanged,”…
May 24, 2017 Despite thriving population, BLM pushes forward job-killing sage grouse plan Moffat County is home to 70 percent of Colorado’s sage grouse population, and is suing the Department of Interior alongside Garfield, Rio Blanco and…
May 23, 2017 Judge Navarro insists elderly Cliven Bundy must be kept in custody for long haul Cliven Bundy has repeatedly claimed that the government has denied him a right to a speedy trial. In a motion this month, he asked…
May 19, 2017 The FBI’s unethical, deceptive, alcohol-fueled scheme to entrap the Bundys Ryan should have trusted his instincts. Johnson and his colleagues were not documentarians. They were undercover FBI agents posing as filmmakers. Ryan Devereaux, Trevor…
May 18, 2017 Utah Senators wants to throw out Obama-era BLM policies, start fresh “A court-ordered deadline for publishing RMPs (resource management plans) resulted in BLM rushing its plans from the start, cutting out local voices in the…
May 17, 2017 Undue Green Influence: Controversies over BLM plans formulated in collusion with enviros Unfortunately for Americans in the West, where the BLM asserts control over staggering amounts of land and resources, the federal agency and many of…
May 4, 2017 BLM Roan Plateau grazing cuts will ‘really hurt a lot of ranchers’ Korry Lewis, a Wyoming attorney representing the ranchers, argues that the BLM is basing its assessment of current conditions on an evaluation done in…
April 23, 2017 Alaska sues federal government, contending state controls riverbed, not BLM In its complaint, Alaska said it gained title to submerged lands and navigable waters when it acquired statehood, unless the federal government made any…
April 20, 2017 Cliven Bundy’s right to speedy trial violated by federal judge, says lawyer “It is the United States’ obligation to provide innocent citizens accused of crimes a speedy trial,” Whipple wrote. “As such, the United States cannot…