October 6, 2018 BLM law enforcement ignores crimes against Oregon miner “I caught a claim jumper three weeks ago…Finally, I called the BLM Prineville office cop, but he was 350 miles away. I called the…
October 5, 2018 As grizzly numbers surge, states fight to keep them off endangered list “Grizzly bears have made an amazing recovery here,” said Wyoming Rep. Albert Sommers, who ranches in the eastern part of the state. “We’ve met…
October 5, 2018 Enviros disregard horrific impact of wolves on wildlife, livestock and ranching families They are engaged with people who care little for truth and care even less for freedom. Environmentalist mobsters have targeted the family business because,…
October 4, 2018 BLM hikes mining claim permit fees by 30 percent “…many miners will wind up losing their claims, which are a unique form of property, simply because they don’t read the Federal Register every…
October 3, 2018 Wildfire Winter? …we are now witnessing yearly events, worsening and predictable events, that are causing direct and indirect devastation to people, crops and communities. We might…
October 2, 2018 Despite successful management plans, states get slammed in sage grouse case “Obviously, we’re disappointed the court did not recognize the efforts of Gunnison County, the landowners and the state to protect the Gunnison sage grouse,”…