May 20, 2019 Proposed Democrat legislation would kill American hard rock mining The most recent example of the total disconnect between the anti-mining agenda of some in Congress and the importance of American mineral wealth to…
May 20, 2019 Missouri law will protect farms and ranches from local anti-agriculture ordinances Proponents argue that a patchwork of county-by-county regulations creates regulatory uncertainty for farm and ranch families and prevents them from expanding and stops new…
May 16, 2019 The war on automobiles is just another wealth redistribution scheme …They are continually assured that the money is needed to maintain roads and bridges, but of course massive chunks are siphoned off for other…
May 15, 2019 Fauxcohontas vs Eagles: Warren’s renewables plan would devastate threatened birds As many as 1 million birds are killed by wind turbines every year, Holmer said, and up to 25 million are killed by power…
May 13, 2019 The anti-animal agriculture movement is dangerous, and growing The anti-animal agriculture narrative and plant-based diet agenda combines political ideology and commercial interests. This “movement” is insidious, unsavoury, and cannot be ignored by…
May 12, 2019 Enviros continue anti-grazing crusade in Oregon national forest Last year, a “biological opinion” conducted by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service concluded that grazing plans for the allotment are unlikely to jeopardize…
May 10, 2019 San Juan County Commissioners run-amok break law in hiring of Moab progressive After a county resident stated that state law doesn’t allow such an action, Grayeyes responded, “The law can be contested.” San Juan Record Utah…
May 9, 2019 Anti-pipeline enviro group accused of enabling violent sexual predator The lawsuit claims Honor the Earth took no action to stop sexual harassment by a man “credibly accused of using his status as a…
May 8, 2019 Five-year Recapture Retrospective: BLM continues its course of dysfunction and corruption What we have seen in Utah, especially in southern Utah, is the steady encroachment and mismanagement of federal resources that are important to our…
May 7, 2019 Is the hysteria over accidental farmed salmon releases founded in science? STEVE BUSCHOld Man of the Ski SALMON WARS! How Fish Farming has become a Lightning Rod in the Pacific Northwest Washington State Public Lands Commissioner…