February 3, 2017 Millard County Utah: A case study in urban ‘values’ infringing on rural property rights Although Millard County is the literal definition of rural, “urban” values increasingly seem to dominate local thought processes and resulting public policy. Despite lip…
February 3, 2017 Citing bias, Oregon Standoff defendant seeks new judge for case In a trial last fall, jurors found standoff leader Ammon Bundy and six others not guilty of felony charges. Prosecutors decided despite losing to…
January 30, 2017 John Day, Oregon, The Meeting that Never Happened, inspiring a Western ‘Revolution’ Farmer, radio host, blogger, and patriot, Trent Loos reflects on his experiences at “The Meeting that Never Happened,” in John Day, Harney County, Oregon….
January 28, 2017 LaVoy Finicum: Killed by government agents while defending property rights, human dignity If the federal authorities had been serious about desiring a peaceful resolution to this conflict, they could have coordinated with Sheriff Palmer to arrest…
January 27, 2017 Flashback: Did pressure from Oregon Governor Brown lead to killing of LaVoy Finicum? Brown’s appeal to Loretta Lynch for a ‘swift resolution’ to the matter was a rhetorical grenade thrown into the middle of an otherwise peaceful–though sometimes…
January 23, 2017 Cattlemen worried Cascade-Siskiyou expansion will eradicate ranching in region Ranchers with grazing allotments aren’t allowed to properly maintain fences, water structures and other range improvements, diminishing the land’s suitability for grazing, Skinner said….
January 21, 2017 Obama backs off Owyhee designation, could Oregon Standoff be why? Despite the fact that mainstream media and left-wing environmentalist launched a smear campaign against the ranchers and their supporters, the Administration and its political allies,…
January 19, 2017 Property rights group addresses misunderstandings about federal grazing laws Misunderstandings about the history and original intent of federal grazing law by both ranchers and federal agents is fueling tensions across the West, making…
January 19, 2017 Fake news about looting used to push federal Bears Ears takeover San Juan County Commissioner Rebecca Benally testified to this fact in a Congressional hearing last September. In her testimony she asserted that not only…
January 17, 2017 Jeanette Finicum continues fight for property rights in behalf of slain husband “It is the anniversary of my husband’s death. We want to continue with his mission. The people within counties and states should decide how…