December 16, 2016 Drain the Swamp: Federal agricultural subsidies, cronyism, handouts Imagine an industry in which taxpayers provide handouts to multimillion-dollar businesses when they don’t generate as much revenue as they hoped. Or imagine the…
December 15, 2016 Interior pick Zinke: Western warrior or Green Decoy? Green Decoys: Activists or organizations which adopt the appearance of rugged individualists; hunters, sportsmen, anglers, etc., but are, in fact, fronts for extreme green…
December 15, 2016 Six Western counties take Obama to court over exclusionary BLM planning rule The lawsuit, filed Monday in the U.S. District Court for Utah, involves Kane County, Big Horn County, Wyo.; Chaves County, New Mexico; Custer County,…
December 14, 2016 A failing legacy: Obama’s Bears Ears monument proposal gets D’s in every category Since Obama took office in 2008, he has set aside more than 550 million acres in two dozen monuments — the most of any…
December 14, 2016 Justified: The story of the Bundy Ranch Standoff as told by Ammon Bundy Narrated by Ammon Bundy while in an Oregon prison following his arrest for the protest at the Malheur Refuge, this video explains the history of his ancestral ranch….
December 13, 2016 Obama ignores beleaguered locals, harassed, threatened by DAPL protesters “The federal government’s response to the events in our community has been appalling, and it is abundantly clear they have no interest in helping…
December 13, 2016 Will Obama impose ‘imperial’ designation on Bears Ears? But there are also some honest disagreements about how exactly the land should be protected. Most Native Americans who live around Bears Ears and use the…
December 12, 2016 Anti-fracking mythology busted by real-world science Despite their hysterical claims and protestations to the contrary, the existing scientific evidence shows hydraulic fracturing processes do not pose a systemic impact on…
December 12, 2016 Trump voters angry with D.C., want smaller government, bigger citizens You see, the D.C. crowd has viewed the lack of a revolt to their expansion of government beyond its constitutional tether as indicative of…
December 10, 2016 Congress’ top watchdog warns feds not to destroy documents before transition Oversight and Government Reform Chairman Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) sent letters to agency heads Tuesday saying they have a duty under law to preserve and protect…