December 21, 2016 Public Lands: Don’t believe what the feds and corporate enviros are telling you From the beginning, land issues and jurisdiction created heated debate, decided many elections, kicked off a civil war and nearly destroyed our country before…
December 20, 2016 Obama Bears Ears takeover would be un-American The protection of our nation’s historic, cultural and natural resources is among the noblest of pursuits. However, turning our backs on the democratic process…
December 20, 2016 Bears Ears: Locals, Natives against, outsiders, corporate environmentalists for Lee and other members of the congressional delegation said the political fallout of a designation in Utah will result in the repeal of the…
December 20, 2016 U.S. shale oil, natural gas trump Russia’s power play The geopolitical implications (never mind the domestic economic benefits) of expanding U.S. shale capabilities should be obvious. Not only would increasing shale output keep…
December 19, 2016 Zinke: BFF of D.C. bureaucracies and environmentalist special interests Once upon a time, environmental groups would purchase land for conservation. Now they conscript government to seize it. In 2011 the Fish and Wildlife…
December 19, 2016 OPINION: Federal land ‘management’ a sham If you think forest management is any better, check out the red and green mosaic that covers most of the West. The red is…
December 18, 2016 Attack on Western Colorado: Obama denies Jordan Cove LNG Project “…the FERC denial is not based on environmental concerns. The Jordan Cove project has exceeded the environmental regulations. So, the federal government had to…
December 18, 2016 Standing Rock: Native sovereignty or a future of economic hopelessness Only 3 percent of its length would need federal approval, and in those places the pipeline was designed to run next to existing utility…
December 17, 2016 To delight of enviros, Obama slaps clean-power Glen Canyon Dam with expiration date Obama’s ‘midnight rules-making’ marathon is unlikely to let up prior to the inauguration of President-elect Trump a month from now, so both Congress and…
December 16, 2016 Government run amok: Groundless fed seizure nets thousands of bait fish Maki said that eight to 10 special agents with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service entered his shop that day, asking him repeated questions…