September 28, 2018 Green group suing Trump Admin begs for donations in federal BLM facility …parasitic arrangements like that between Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument Partners and BLM, where public dollars are used to fund extreme special interests’ agendas, remain…
September 27, 2018 Costly tradeoffs of Colorado’s losing proposition 112 “The Colorado Oil and Gas Commission report states Proposition 112 (formerly 97) would put as much as 85% of Colorado’s non-federal lands off-limits to…
September 26, 2018 Interior Department directive sheds light on shady sue & settle deals “Faced with a barrage of allegations that sap agency time and resources whether they have merit or not, the government is too often motivated…
September 21, 2018 Congressional streamlining needed to help both property owners and protected species The latest figures show that the greater sage grouse occupies more than 170 million acres in 11 western states: North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, Nevada,…
September 21, 2018 Wolf kills making situation unsustainable for Washington rancher He said he supports lethal removal by the department, but that ranchers still need to be allowed to control the predators. Shooting one wolf…
September 20, 2018 Arizona Apaches employ logging, clearing, prescribed burns in wildfire management “On the Rattlesnake Fire, it didn’t burn hardly any on the White Mountain Apache side because it burned up to their prescribed burn and…
September 19, 2018 National Heritage Areas are stealth land grabs This sweeping mandate ensures that virtually every square inch of land within the boundaries is subject to the scrutiny of Park Service bureaucrats and…
September 18, 2018 Attorney for Ranchers’ group responds to “guilt by association” smear campaign “How could such a logical request stir such ire? Because it will affect NCBA’s bottom line. NCBA runs the Federation of State Beef Councils,…
September 17, 2018 Trump’s Rural Revival …this turnaround was driven by mining and logging (which went from negative 11 percent job growth in 2016 to positive 7.4 percent in 2018),…
April 21, 2018 Federal judge leaps over U.S. Constitution in name of fighting ‘climate change’ Montana District Judge Brian Morris, a 2013 Obama appointee, has apparently relied on an entirely new body of law, discovering a previously unknown section…