January 2, 2018 Is it time for taxpayers to stop subsidizing public lands recreation? Nevertheless, the recreation industry demands the government provide ample opportunities to enjoy the great outdoors, even as it hasn’t stepped up to pay its…
December 31, 2017 Bow hunting considered as remedy to Colorado urban deer overpopulation A similar tactic is being used to deal with coyotes infesting urban areas across the U.S. Since the gray wolf has disappeared from much of North…
December 30, 2017 Best of 2017 Free Range Report in memes “It does not take a majority to prevail… but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of…
December 29, 2017 ‘Humane’ Society’s cruel lawsuits harming Pacific northwest marine animals The Humane Society of the United States filed lawsuits in 2008 and 2012 in the hopes to impede the removal of the sea lions….
December 29, 2017 Dutch oven cooking and the power of the Christian cross Beginning with the Basque sheepherders, over a hundred years ago, the peculiar tradition of imprinting the Christian cross in the top of Dutch oven…
December 28, 2017 From Agriculture to Zinke: The Biggest Stories of 2017 It’s been a whirlwind year for news related to natural resources policy, rural issues, and the matters that are most important to America’s future….
December 27, 2017 Washington plan addresses human clashes with huge, problematic elk herd Just one elk bite is enough to spoil a hay bale for export because foreign buyers want full, tight bales, according to state Rep….
December 27, 2017 Livestock haulers get brief reprieve from animal-endangering ELD mandate The agency’s decision to grant the compliance extension stems from multiple requests from trade groups representing the ag and livestock businesses, who said the…
December 26, 2017 Feds ask court to halt child plaintiffs’ climate change lawsuit “Climate activists have shamelessly stooped to using children for their PR efforts. Shame on these parents for allowing their kids to be used as…
December 24, 2017 A Cowboy’s Christmas Prayer But you may have observed me out here on the lonely plains, A-lookin’ after cattle, feelin’ thankful when it rains, Admirin’ Thy great handiwork,…