November 28, 2016 Wyoming study hopes to shed light on roots of wild horse crisis Wild horse specialists work to keep herd numbers at specific levels for each management area, but the animals don’t recognize the invisible boundaries. Managers…
November 21, 2016 POWDER KEG: 102 million dead trees on Forest Service lands in California The majority of the 102 million dead trees are located in ten counties in the southern and central Sierra Nevada region. The Forest Service…
November 21, 2016 Overzealous federal efforts to ‘protect’ lands are counterproductive In our desperation to save our treasures while something remains to be saved, we on the protectionist side have repeatedly done an end run…
November 16, 2016 Fracking, not EPA regulations, behind falling CO2 levels Fracking, not government green policies, caused CO2 emissions to drop sharply in 47 states and Washington, D.C., in 2015, according to both Scientific American and other EIA reports. It’s Official: Falling…
November 5, 2016 Colorado Ranchers use solar power to pump water for livestock Moffat County ranchers tap the sun to deliver water to animals Solar-powered water systems let livestock drink more easily and take pressure off ponds…
October 25, 2016 Bears Ears Autumn Free Range Report extends a warm thanks to Kara Laws, owner of Illuminated Moments, for sharing her beautiful photographs of the landscapes, trees and wildlife…
October 24, 2016 Climate deception ‘clobbering’ the poorest among us A colder planet with less CO2 would punish them. And a chillier CO2-deprived planet with less reliable, less affordable energy (from massive wind, solar…
October 18, 2016 Elite ‘governing class’ above the law when wrecking the environment Pollute water and the EPA will have no mercy. It will charge, convict, fine, imprison and alert the media. Unless the polluter is the…
October 15, 2016 Feds maintain record of no accountability in toxic river spill In case you were wondering if anyone would be held accountable, the Inspector General’s office at the EPA did conduct a full investigation to…
October 12, 2016 The ‘nuclear option’ to remedy feral horse catastrophe Feral horses may have irreversibly degraded millions of acres of rangeland, as the advisory board members discovered on a recent field trip to Antelope…