August 15, 2017 ‘Wilderness study’ designation hampers firefighter access in Montana blazes “It’s not negligence,” Harris says. “That’s what people keep thinking but that’s not what it is. It’s people with responsibility like team leaders in…
August 12, 2017 Wild Horses in Crisis Part II: The solutions [paypal_donation_button] While this trap-spay-return method is common and praised by animal rights groups for dogs and cats, a lawsuit against the spay research was…
August 11, 2017 Wild Horses in Crisis Part I: The problems [paypal_donation_button] “I think there will be an implosion…If we continue down the path of unregulated growth,wild horse populations will continue to expand to 100,000,…
August 10, 2017 The case for pardoning Bundy Ranch defendants [paypal_donation_button] The fact that the Bundy family would not leave their ancestral land helped cause the Reid-Chinese solar deal to fall apart, which incensed…
August 8, 2017 House legislation streamlines permit process for improvements on public lands [paypal_donation_button] …the bill includes provisions that would authorize the Department of the Interior, through the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), to enter into cooperative…
August 4, 2017 Is county commissioner from Colorado violating ethics with environmentalist lobbying? [paypal_donation_button] Yet at a May press conference hosted by Sens. Michael Bennet (D-olo.) and Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.) to preview the upcoming vote on repealing the BLM…
July 27, 2017 Minnesota School Trust Lands depend on mining operations to fund public schools [paypal_donation_button] Included in the federal land withdrawal are 95,000 acres of School Trust Lands that generate revenue for all Minnesota schools. With over two…
July 26, 2017 Minnesota counties appeal to Zinke to cancel job-killing mineral withdrawal proposal The application for withdrawal is the first step in a process that could ban mining projects in these national forest lands, and potentially wreak…
July 25, 2017 Bunkerville witness switches testimony in 2nd trial, claims ‘officers held at gunpoint’ Though he claimed to have been fearful at being so outnumbered, he could not remember even if there were any other officers from Nevada…
July 25, 2017 Ten years ago, this Idaho rancher stood up to the feds, and won Like most Western ranch companies, Joyce runs cattle on federal lands along with its own. That has led to conflicts. Paul Nettleton took the…