September 5, 2016 Power plant petty crimes and wildfire felonies Burning biomass, aka wildfires, emits emissions of CO2, smoke, soot, haze, and other particulates far in excess of that produced by coal-fired power plants….
September 4, 2016 EDITORIAL: ‘Bears Ears’ and the fight over who controls the West Free Range Report Editorial Staff During his terms, President Obama has used the Antiquities Act to create over 25 new national monuments, gobbling up…
September 3, 2016 DAPL: Big Media sides with Big Government against Native Americans Why There’s A Media Blackout On The Native American Oil Pipeline Blockade “Providing ongoing coverage would likely inspire national outrage toward the oil company,…
September 2, 2016 Washington Fish & Wildlife, Ranchers get death threats from protesters over wolf kills Protesters decry state’s killing of wolf pack, urge non-lethal means instead Q13 OLYMPIA, Wash. — Using a helicopter, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife…
September 2, 2016 The executive pen spears fishing operations in Hawaii With a stroke of his executive pen, President Obama has put a vast region of the Pacific Ocean off-limits to Hawaii’s fishing industry Free…
September 1, 2016 EDITORIAL: “We are at the beginning of great troubles.” Free Range Report Contributor “We are at the beginning of great troubles.” President Obama’s consideration of designating the 1.9 million acre Bears Ears National…
August 31, 2016 In wake of wildfires, California ranchers challenged with soil restoration Ranchers seek new ways to heal fire-scorched soil Holistic cattle management workshop teaches soil recovery By Terry Grillo Calaveras Enterprise Enterprise photo by Terry…
August 30, 2016 Can AG operations benefit from digital currency? From Bitcoin to Agriculture: How Can Farmers Benefit from Blockchain? by Emma Weston & Sara Nolet published by Agfunders News Editor’s Note: Emma Weston is…
August 29, 2016 EDITORIAL: Ranchers under siege by Administration I’m an Oregon rancher. Here’s what you don’t understand about the Bundy standoff. The Obama administration has pushed our livelihood to the brink. By Keith…
August 29, 2016 Columbia Falls mills killed off by federal ‘no-logging’ policy Weyerhaeuser closing Weyerhaeuser announced in late June that it would close its plywood and lumber mills, citing a shortage of logs. By KATHERYN…