October 9, 2016 Utah towns crushed by unmanageable tourist traffic Together, the popularity of the parks and Utah’s drive to bring visitors to the Mighty Five — Arches, Bryce, Canyonlands, Zion and Capitol Reef…
October 8, 2016 Bears Ears, PLI controversies show Congress must stop executive land grabs Obama’s legacy is shutting off land to free use by American citizens has hurt economic development on land and sea, and the American people…
October 5, 2016 Bears Ears Coalition has no say in monument designation The county resolution states that the Bears Ears Inter-Tribal Coalition is a non-governmental organization that has no jurisdiction over land-use planning activities in San…
September 24, 2016 Bears Ears monument designation will ‘destroy livelihoods, cultures’ of Utah tribes “Mr. Long and many members of the local Navajo, Ute and Paiute tribes say that the designation would destroy their livelihood and their culture….
September 20, 2016 Native Americans wary of federal encroachment, reject Bears Ears monument Native Americans Fight Federal Land Grab Kevin Daley Daily Caller News Foundation “I hope our people can still enjoy Bear Ears,” Holiday said. “But…
September 19, 2016 PLI Bait and Switch: It’s not about protection, it’s about energy corridors video courtesy of The Petroglyph SITLA, PLI and Energy Corridors Each state has school trust lands, which were reserved for the purpose of helping…
September 19, 2016 Is Utah’s Public Lands Initiative about creating energy corridors? Related: San Juan County violates due process with wind farm, sticks taxpayers with $250K legal bill Is PLI more about transmitting money and power via…
September 16, 2016 Utah Senators introduce act to protect state from executive land grabs Lee, Hatch Introduce the Utah National Monument Parity Act From the office of United States Senator Mike Lee Sep 15 2016 WASHINGTON – Sens….
September 12, 2016 BLM flip-flops on motorized travel, after county commissioner convicted BLM considering trail plans for controversial Recapture Canyon Convicted commissioner calls proposals ‘way past due’; agency calls them ‘big milestone’ By Dennis Romboy Deseret News…
September 4, 2016 EDITORIAL: ‘Bears Ears’ and the fight over who controls the West Free Range Report Editorial Staff During his terms, President Obama has used the Antiquities Act to create over 25 new national monuments, gobbling up…