September 26, 2020 Retired Fire Chief: The end of logging is turning forests into tinderboxes Going back to Native Americans in America, controlled burning (later called Prescribed Fire) have saved the west from huge conflagrations. By burning large brush…
December 13, 2017 Oregon’s Walden supports wild horse grazing for wildfire mitigation “I still like the idea of the horse and I would love to see a controlled area with them to really see what they…
September 11, 2017 Science confirms fuels reduction policies needed to stem wildfires Across the country, particularly in the west, national forests have millions of dead and dying trees. Growth and mortality rates far outpace fuels reduction…
May 31, 2017 Forestry 101: Log it, thin it, or watch it burn Fire is natural to forested landscapes in the West. Most people understand the difference between natural low-intensity fires and catastrophic, stand-replacing crown fires. In…