As posted by American Stewards of Liberty
Indigenous People Oppose 30×30

Conservationists assure that 30×30 will save humanity, in part by protecting indigenous communities. However, this narrative is beginning to unravel as indigenous people across the globe are getting their message out that the international goal destroys their communities and their land.
An organization called Survival International is leading the charge. Their website makes this compelling statement, titled “#DearHumanity:”
“Dear Humanity, World leaders are pushing a plan to turn 30% of Earth into Protected Areas by 2030. They say it will mitigate climate change, reduce wildlife loss, enhance biodiversity and so save our environment, but they’re wrong. It will make things worse: it will destroy nature, and lead to the biggest land grab in history. Confused? We explain everything, in 28 simple steps:”
The organization asserts the plan does not have a scientific basis and that it completely ignores the rights of Indigenous peoples and other local communities. They identify the people pushing for the 30×30 plan and specifically state that “Big conservation organizations are set to receive billions from projects associated with the plan,” which is why they are motivated to help create protected areas and push the Indigenous people off their lands.
They state:
“Conservation NGOs like WWF and The Nature Conservancy are among the main promoters of the 30×30 plan. They’re lobbying governments to go ahead with it, and teaming up with the biggest-polluting corporations to greenwash them. Why? Because conservation NGOs are set to receive billions of dollars to oversee new projects associated with the plan. They’re pushing ahead even though there’s plenty of evidence the plan won’t save the environment, and it will destroy Indigenous and local peoples’ lands and lives.”
Americans are in a better position to fight the land grab because 60 percent of our lands are still owned by the people. However, if the Biden Administration succeeds in making progress towards their 30×30 goal, these last remaining private lands will soon be encumbered by regulatory restrictions and conservation easements.