March 17, 2017 Michigan landowners testify about Forest Service harassment, seizure of property Hinkson testified he was approached, unannounced, by USFS and Michigan Department of Natural Resources officials about the location of his camp. Casperson’s constituent was…
March 16, 2017 Minnesota ‘Buffers Act’ will take thousands of productive acres from rural landowners When enforcement of the ‘Buffers Act’ begins in a few months, all productive economic activity within the buffer zones will be prohibited. Not only…
March 14, 2017 4 reasons Congress should disapprove economy-killing sage grouse regulations Ironically, at the time the Bureau of Land Management and U.S. Forest Service finalized the harmful sage grouse plans in 2015, the bird was…
March 13, 2017 Ranchers, Colorado Parks and Wildlife, feds wrangle over grazing in Weminuche Wilderness In a Feb. 19 letter to The Free Range Report called “Radical Environmentalist Bullying the Forest Service to Deny Renewal of Longtime Sheep Allotments,”…
March 10, 2017 Angus McIntosh responds to PLC: Its time to Drain the Swamp on the “Public Lands” By the time Trent was finished questioning Ethan Lane, he had backpedaled to the point where he said he agreed with 95% of what…
March 2, 2017 Local witnesses testify of kindness, good manners of Oregon Standoff defendants “They took very good care of my place. I trusted them completely,” she said. During cross, Overton acknowledged that Patrick left her a $100…
February 20, 2017 Arizona border ranchers want Trump wall, but leary of federal agents on land “It used to take five days to get the ranch rounded up; it takes me seven weeks now and it’s because anybody coming through…
February 12, 2017 New twist in Bundy trial to reveal names, details of wrongdoing by feds “The OIG Report details several violations of federal ethics regulations, misuse of government property, misuse of a government position, and ‘a lack of candor…
February 8, 2017 PRESS RELEASE: Custer Museum Director details suicides, human cost of BLM raids In 2005, and again in 2008, Chris Kortlander, Founding Director of the Custer Battlefield Museum in Garryowen, MT, was the victim of similar Nazi…
February 7, 2017 Why should ordinary Americans care about what happened to LaVoy Finicum? “As I spoke to these folks I realized that they weren’t hateful or on the fringe. Instead, they were neighborly, they love each other…