October 15, 2016 In land grab schemes, rich progressives push Feds to lock up millions of acres Its appetite for land is insatiable: millions will be spent, not improving visitor facilities, but acquiring land and demanding a larger park, after all…
October 14, 2016 GAO: Grazing conflicts often the result of poor management In a new report, the Government Accountability Office criticizes public lands agencies for poor management of grazing permits. The watchdog says conflicts and armed…
October 13, 2016 Radical Environmentalism driving Obama’s national monument obsession Obama’s monument declarations in Hawaii and beyond are not motivated by a desire to protect lands threatened with imminent destruction; it is about building…
October 13, 2016 Want to honor Indigenous People? Get the Feds out of their business The question of Indian rights goes far beyond the location of a single pipeline: Shouldn’t Native Americans be free to make their own decisions…
October 13, 2016 What to do about growing conflicts over range lands in the West: Part 4 Today’s federal grazing institutions promote far too much raiding and not enough trading. As the Bundy standoff demonstrated, conflicts over land use have the…
October 12, 2016 The ‘nuclear option’ to remedy feral horse catastrophe Feral horses may have irreversibly degraded millions of acres of rangeland, as the advisory board members discovered on a recent field trip to Antelope…
October 12, 2016 What to do about growing conflicts over range lands in the West: Part 3 The lack of well-defined and transferable federal grazing rights presents serious obstacles to resolving rangeland disputes in a cooperative and mutually beneficial manner. These…
October 11, 2016 Rising government fees in Colorado discourage younger hunters Compounding the issue, Colorado’s hunting base is aging — average age of 55, according to CPW — with fewer younger hunters waiting in the…
October 11, 2016 Wolves kill more calves on private land in Oregon The Rogue Pack’s alpha male, OR-7, became well known when he dispersed from Northeast Oregon’s Imnaha pack in September 2011. He wandered across the…
October 11, 2016 What to do about growing conflicts over range lands in the West: Part 2 Grazing rights are inherently tenuous because agencies continually reallocate rangeland resources and adjust grazing privileges to meet changing political conditions. Moreover, without the right…