November 10, 2017 Nevada cancels feral horse management deal with ‘advocate’ group Controlling the horse population is critical because overpopulation results in increased instances of horses on roads, in communities and in distress. Consequences of unchecked…
October 31, 2017 Trick or Treat? Feds vs feds bloodfest in Bunkerville Trial The prosecution seems to think that the Inspector General’s Office is not accurate in their reporting, and it’ documents cannot be trusted. The report is…
October 26, 2017 BLM advisory board urges bold actions for addressing wild horse crises The BLM’s Wild Horse and Burro program currently eats up about $80 million per year, with $50 million of that going to the care…
October 24, 2017 Court denies Recapture Canyon ‘freedom ride’ defendants’ appeal Despite historical documents submitted by Wells supporting the defendants’ premise that Recapture road was illegally closed by BLM, the court refused to revisit its…
October 23, 2017 Potential BLM head, Karen Budd-Falen, gets endorsement from fellow property rights attorney “I am writing as a fellow attorney who, in the course of my career, has had a number of occasions from time to time…
October 19, 2017 BLM offers ‘flexible’ grazing permits, hoping to improve range conditions The Bureau of Land Management is taking applications from Western states to test outcome-based grazing, which enables ranchers to manage according to current conditions…
October 15, 2017 Western leaders assert state control over energy permitting in new bill “The states have developed extensive regulatory frameworks for permitting oil and gas development on state lands,” Gosar said. Energy-rich states not only do the…
October 9, 2017 Video: Wild horses suffer and starve without effective management Heartbreaking, painful to watch, but real and getting worse, the suffering of wild horses in some BLM management areas is at crisis levels, and…
October 6, 2017 BLM reverses Obama-era mineral leasing ban on 10 million acres in West “The proposal to withdraw 10 million acres to prevent (only) 10,000 from potential mineral development was a complete overreach.” ~Acting BLM Director, Mike Nedd…
September 27, 2017 Interior official cites Dan Love firing in cautionary memo to senior personnel “We will hold people accountable when we are informed that they have failed in their duties and obligations,” Bernhardt wrote. “Although the law in…