December 22, 2017 Why is Congress ignoring the appalling wild horse crisis? Not only are horses and burros increasingly vulnerable to massive starvation, the ever-expanding population is destroying precious habitat that other wildlife, including the most…
December 21, 2017 Prosecutorial misconduct, federal militarism, overreach result in Bundy mistrial In her ruling, Navarro cited case law that says illegal suppression of evidence occurs when the government fails to turn over information that was…
December 14, 2017 Federal case against Bundy Ranch defendants crumbles It turns out that there were indeed snipers. The Bundys have been saying this for years. The prosecution has denied it; but since, have…
December 2, 2017 Zinke giving misguided Interior Department much-needed makeover For example, resource management plans, created by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), are designed to delineate how federal lands will be managed and…
November 30, 2017 Government lies, malfeasance exposed in Bundy trial developments …they never sent a bill for grazing fees to the Bundy Ranch, however, the fees for trespassing cattle was less than $9,000. They added…
November 22, 2017 Federal actions, regulations put on trial in Bundy Ranch proceedings The Endangered Species Act lead to the governments action of reducing Cliven’s legal grazing from 152 to 89 head of cattle. But In order…
November 21, 2017 Oregon water rights lawsuit against BLM may be headed to Supreme Court Meanwhile, the BLM would revoke the 1,400 additional AUMS as their water rights were restored. While they initially agreed to this arrangement, the Whites…
November 19, 2017 Flashback 1998: Ecoterrorists attack ranches across the West Then the BLM kept taking us off earlier in the spring. We had a cabin that we’d bought with the range, another where Silver…
November 15, 2017 Zinke supports moving BLM HQ out West, possibly Salt Lake or Denver “You can have a jerk situated in Salt Lake, too,” Bishop said. “So the important part is actually having a department that cares and…
November 11, 2017 Cattlemen’s group supports BLM Advisory Board horse management plan “Unfortunately, Congress has impeded the ability of the BLM to do its job by continuing to deny funding for common sense and ecologically-sound management…