March 31, 2017 Oregon Standoff: Feds arrest blogger who revealed identities of FBI infiltrators The presence of nine informants on the eastern Oregon refuge during the 41-day occupation last winter as well as six other informants who worked…
March 30, 2017 From the D.C. swamp to the West: Will Trump relocate federal land agencies? “[Zinke’s] view is that we have too many people working in Interior in Washington, D.C., when the work that needs to be done is…
March 24, 2017 BLM proposal to cut Colorado grazing allotments in half Garfield County ranchers are fighting a proposed Bureau of Land Management order that would cut a cattle grazing allotment on federal lands in half….
March 23, 2017 Identity of paid FBI informant unintentionally disclosed during Bunkerville trial Over multiple government objections, and amid several small conferences with the other defense attorneys, Jackson continued to hammer at the agents with questions until…
March 18, 2017 Federal withdrawal of resource-rich lands threatens Minnesota jobs, way of life “This politically motivated decision, coming in the final days of the administration of President Barack Obama, is inconsistent with current national policy. It could…
March 14, 2017 4 reasons Congress should disapprove economy-killing sage grouse regulations Ironically, at the time the Bureau of Land Management and U.S. Forest Service finalized the harmful sage grouse plans in 2015, the bird was…
March 9, 2017 Feds try to crucify second round of Oregon Standoff defendants on minor charges Defense lawyer Jesse Merrithew, representing Ryan, said the general trespass provision in federal regulations governing national wildlife refuges is unclear. It states: “No person shall trespass,…
March 9, 2017 Utah challenges road plan devised by BLM and extreme green group The state says the program would be imposed on the counties against their will and could jeopardize other historic road claims. The counties say…
March 5, 2017 Recordings show paranoid, abusive attitudes of federal agents at Bunkerville standoff Defense lawyers, meanwhile, highlighted portions of the video that recorded agents mocking protesters. The line of questioning reflected an attempt to prove that the…
February 27, 2017 Cliven Bundy’s ideas about public lands management reflected in recent legislation “Disarm the National Park Service,” the recalcitrant cowboy cried in a video played in court recently, during the ongoing trial against six people charged…