Video: Wild horses suffer and starve without effective management

Heartbreaking, painful to watch, but real and getting worse, the suffering of wild horses in some BLM management areas is at crisis levels, and only good management of these animals with reverse this horrific trend.

Wild and Free-roaming Horses and Burros Act of 1971: Requires the protection, management and control of wild, free-roaming horses and burros on public lands.

The horse is a living symbol of the historic, and pioneer spirit of the Wild West, and there is an emotional connection to these animals. Our two species, human and equine, possess a unique relationship. While some special interest groups attempt to complicate that relationship, the truth remains very simple; our responsibility is to provide a comfortable situation for domestic and feral horses, from birth on to death, as we simultaneously protect Americans’ ability to enjoy horses to the fullest, whether recreationally, economically, or both.

“We’re a nation of laws, not of warm, fuzzy feelings, so I think the activists should come out when these horses are starving to death. And when that horse gets to the point where it tips over, and it lays there for usually over 24 hours…the ravens come by and peck out the eye that’s up, and then it takes about another 12 hours for that horse to die. Everything that is alive, is at some point, going to die, but do we want to starve things to death? I know I don’t. I’d rather see things managed properly.”~Mike Stremler, rancher

“The horse advocates, they haven’t contributed one thing for the enhancement of that horse out there on that range. The ranchers, they have maintained the waters, the water developments, they have salted the game. All predator control has been initiated by the livestock industry.”  ~George Parman, rancher

It’s time to bring facts, reason and a special perspective to an issue dominated by emotion…

Watch the full video below

Suffering on the range

Video produced by Protect the Harvest

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Free Range Report



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