April 14, 2019 North Dakota law strengthens private property rights but leaves loophole for hunters Skroch said the issue has been a hot one during the session, and she worries that landowners across the state are at a “flashpoint.”…
January 23, 2019 Property rights being eroded by water recreation seekers In 2009, the editor of an outdoor recreation magazine decided that, rather than portaging his canoe down a 0.8 mile public trail connecting a…
March 9, 2017 Feds try to crucify second round of Oregon Standoff defendants on minor charges Defense lawyer Jesse Merrithew, representing Ryan, said the general trespass provision in federal regulations governing national wildlife refuges is unclear. It states: “No person shall trespass,…
November 25, 2016 Wyoming mulls rules to address rising livestock kills, wildlife poaching Moline said, now when people are caught killing livestock they are fined and must pay the rancher the market value of the animal. At the…