June 10, 2023 Forensic Arborist: Western wildfires are not what they seem Videos posted by The Healthy American Robert Brame is a forensic arborist who has analyzed 38 California fires and has come up with hundreds…
November 8, 2022 “Woke” science is bad science An Existential Threat to Doing Good Science What scientists are able to teach and what research we can pursue are under attack. I know…
April 14, 2022 Utah newspaper deletes compassionate Op-Ed defending women athletes “I am not opposed to individuals pursuing their ‘true self,’ but I echo Neil Hardin in stating, ‘This isn’t just about men in women’s…
May 5, 2021 New report tracks wolf attacks on humans during the last 18 years Some of the North American cases are well-known, such as the tragic deaths of Kenton Carnegie near a remote mining camp in Saskatchewan in…
September 26, 2020 Retired Fire Chief: The end of logging is turning forests into tinderboxes Going back to Native Americans in America, controlled burning (later called Prescribed Fire) have saved the west from huge conflagrations. By burning large brush…
June 3, 2020 Invasive trees present biggest threat to Colorado River flow Tamarisk is among nature’s thirstiest plants, lowering water tables and drying up springs, wetlands and riparian areas. One tree can drink more than 200…
November 19, 2019 Climate Lies, Fake News and Delusion in the Quest for Global Power The most effective deception was the claim that 97% of scientists agree. It is as false as the whole claim and was also deliberately…
October 30, 2019 Green New Deal: No science required They insist that even another half-degree increase in planetary temperatures since Earth emerged from the Little Ice Age (1350-1850) would be cataclysmic. That’s absurd….