January 6, 2017 Feds use environmental law to ramp up war on rural America That’s what happens, for instance, when the EPA threatens landowners with $37,500 per day in fines ($1 mil per month) for actions as innocuous…
January 6, 2017 Why Trump’s new BLM Director must fire Daniel P. Love What resulted was an unbelievable show of force, including over 200 agents, among whom were snipers whose weapons were trained on the protesters. Cliven Bundy’s civil disagreement with the BLM…
January 6, 2017 VIDEO: Senator Mike Lee confronts unjust Obama seizure of Utah lands VIDEO: Senator Mike Lee (R) Utah, explains the devious process which resulted in the federal seizure of over 1.3 million acres of resource-rich lands…
January 5, 2017 Ranchers vow to fight Obama land grabs, sage grouse plans, BLM rules “Ranchers that operate on federal lands protect water sources used by livestock and wildlife, maintain fence lines, reduce spread of invasive weeds like cheatgrass…
January 5, 2017 Nevada defendants want jurors to see ranch where BLM forced standoff Parker contended in the motion that visiting the scene will help jurors understand the scope of the rural area. In particular, he urged the…
January 4, 2017 Water battle pits City of Aspen against feds, enviros When the rights of a city; such as its rights to water, property, and other resources, are constrained by county and federal governments, one must ask…
January 4, 2017 Court rules federal taking of irrigation waters for endangered fish illegal The districts and farmers, represented by the D.C.-based Marzulla Law firm, contend the government owes compensation, under the Fifth Amendment, for the temporary cessation…
January 3, 2017 The legal basis for why Western ranchers own and do not rent their allotments From Preference Rights to Grazing Allotments: Why Ranchers Own their Allotments By Angus McIntosh PhD Director Natural Resource Law & Policy Research Land and…
January 3, 2017 Imprisoned Oregon ranchers left out of Obama clemency binge Two weeks ago, Susie Hammond read about the 78 people pardoned by President Barack Obama and the 153 sentences he commuted, a record number…
January 2, 2017 Lame Duck president grabs up millions of acres against will of the people Federal ownership of land is a very live wire political issue in Utah, which is why I find it outrageous that President Obama, on…